Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 442

Perhaps, she might be able to find her a boyfriend before they leave the country. Thinking of which, Edward does have a younger brother, who knows, the both of them might make a lovely couple.

Her mother called relentlessly, she found out about them tricking the bodyguard and exploring the city without anyone by their side.

“It’s dangerous for you young girls to tour a city all alone!” The woman cried out, but Natale knew her mother was simply being dramatic and overprotective. They were no longer kids, nothing was going to happen to them. Or so they thought.

They had so much fun that they lost track of time and before they knew it, it was already evening. At once, Natalie and Edward called it a day with a promise to call each other and scheduled another date. Edward wanted to drive them home, but Natalie refused, she knew the way back home with her sharp memory. Moreover, their relationship had just begun, and she couldn’t introduce him to her parents yet.

Sure, Edward made the cut with his rich and influential background, but Natalie was a private person and didn’t want her mother butting into her affair. If her father knew of Edward, he might convince him into supporting his campaign and she didn’t want that. Natalie didn’t date Edward because of his money or what she could get from him and sure hoped it remained that way.

If her father had done well his first time as governor, he wouldn’t feel too afraid running for a second tenure. Although, she heard that he had a stronger opponent this time and the odds seem to be against him, hence, he desperately needed strong backers.

Whatever that was not his business.

“See, Edward wasn’t as bad as you thought him to be,” Natalie told her as they drove back home.


“Fine, you win. But that doesn’t mean I trust him entirely. I’ll be there for your second date as well, I’ll keep my eyes out in case he does anything stupid.” Penelope said.

“Yeah, sure,” Natalie laughed, “You would have your own date too if that’s the case and then it would be perfect.”

“Eww,” She scrunched her nose, “Don’t set me up on any blind date, Natalie. I didn’t come here for a boyfriend and I’m perfectly fine watching and reliving my life through you.”

“You can’t be serious,” Natalie laughed while driving when suddenly out of nowhere, someone stepped out into the road and she had to slam down on her brakes instantly.

Natalie avoided hitting the man by a few inches and stepped out of the car, ready to give the idiot a piece of her mind, when the stranger pulled out a gun and a scream left her mouth. Well, not only her, Penelope’s too. None of them expected that.

The man grabbed her by the hair and pressed the gun to her temple while Penelope cupped her mouth in fright as he barked orders, “You drive! You follow me!”

He entered the back seat of the car with her, the gun now pressed to her side. This stranger was no other than Daniel Luciano who had just been betrayed by one of the men in his gang and he nearly avoided death. Or maybe not.

Natalie was shivering in fright even though she tried her hardest to be brave. As much as she was concerned about her life, she was more bothered about her friend, Penelope. Had she known, she wouldn’t have been stubborn and gone along with her mother’s idea of going with a bodyguard and now she was in trouble.

Penelope wouldn’t be in this situation if she hadn’t begged her to join her on this date. Natalie had to do everything possible to make sure nothing happened to her friend. She owed her that much.

Natalie spared a look at the stranger who held her captive. She had to admit, he was quite handsome, if only he wasn’t holding her at gunpoint. But then, she noticed beads of sweat on him, and he clenched his jaw together which was strange, until she glanced down and discovered blood seeping into his shirt.

“Jesus Christ, you’re bleeding!” She finally noticed.

“Don’t move!” Daniel warned her through gritted teeth as he contemplated shooting her and just leaving with the car, however, he knew he couldn’t drive in this condition.

But Natalie didn’t care as she shouted, “You need to go to a hospital!”

He snarled at her, “No hospital for me!”

And it hit her.

Natalie gasped, “You’re a criminal,” She accused him.

“Is that your first time seeing one, princess?” He mocked her.

“I’m not a princess!” Natalie said defensively, his words touching a sensitive spot. What spelled princess about her?

“You can’t die in my car else that would cause a scandal and trouble for my papa,”

“And you said you’re not a princess,” He found it funny.

Natalie began to think fast and that was quite amusing to Daniel. For someone held hostage, she was not afraid, or maybe, she didn’t know about him?

“I’ll make you a deal,” She quickly said, and he had to shake the dizziness out of his head. How long could he stay conscious?

“What deal?” Daniel gave her a threatening look to appear in control even though he knew in reality, he was at their mercy.

“I’m a science major in the university and I can try and take away the bullets, but there is no assurance that you would survive it, there’d just too many possibilities, not to talk of the chances of infection, however, if I do remove the bullets from your body, promise me that you would let us go and we would never speak of this. ” She offered him, hopefully.

Daniel looked at her intensely, scrutinizing and gauging if he could trust her.

“Do it.”

He lost consciousness.

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